If you'd like to ask us to perform for you, or are interested in joining, or just want to know more about us, please contact:-
Keith Paley (Chairman)
07527 689365 kpaley3089@hotmail.com
Andrew Latchmore (Secretary)
07774 453701 alatchmore@hotmail.co.uk
We are always interested to hear from anyone interested in joining our small chamber choir. Choral experience and the ability to read music are highly beneficial but not essential.
Potential new members are asked to take a very simple audition after they have sung with us two or three times.
Practice takes place in St James Church Hall, Wetherby every Thursday during term time from 7.30 - 9.30 pm
If you want to be added to our mailing list for information about future events,
please email:- elysianswetherbyinfo@btinternet.com or ring 07821 155250.
Get in Touch
The Elysian Singers (Wetherby)
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